Leadership Development Designed to Cultivate Influential Impactful Strategic Engaged Creative Innovative Strong Leaders

Leaders directly influence your culture, performance, adaptability, & success. If you want to improve in any of the following areas, we can help!

  • Leadership Brand
  • Executive Presence
  • Strategic Relationships
  • Strategic Career Management
  • Talent Development
  • Building High-Performance Teams
  • Performance Management
  • Leading Change & Transition
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Leading With Strategy
  • Business Acumen
  • Business Agility
  • Burnout & Workplace Stressors
  • What We Do

    In order to ensure your leadership effectiveness, leadership development must be an ongoing process, not an event. We work closely with our clients to:


    Diagnose specific leadership challenges and opportunities.


    Design customized leadership development goals.


    Deliver tailored, interactive training solutions.


    integrate leadership coaching to sustain the learning.


    Develop feedback vehicles to measure impact and maximize results and their return on investment.

    What my delighted clients have to say

    "Working with Jackie challenged me in ways that were productive and constructive."
    Antoine Bennett,
    Supply Chain Exec, The Gap
    "Jackie was a real stand-out and provided helpful insights on how to get to the next level as a leader and mentor."
    Vice President
    Morgan Stanley
    "Jackie is attentive, intuitive and compassionate in the way she listens and reflects. I found my voice and purpose."
    "I'm so thankful for the work we did together. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and it's paying off."
    Kaiser Permanente
    "Jackie challenged me to identify solutions by simply asking questions, which naturally led me to answers."
    Danielle Griffin
    Exec Director, Sarepta Therapeutics

    EmpowerHer Leadership Accelerator​

    Designed to empower and equip talented leaders to overcome challenges and rise to their full potential.

    • Discover Your Leadership Signature: The power of uniqueness and communicating your signature.
    • Craft Your Personal Brand: Define your brand and enhance your executive presence.
    • Map Your Career Success: Craft a comprehensive career plan that positions you for advancement.
    • Self-Care and Well-Being Strategies: Tips to prevent burnout and foster work-life balance.

    Leadership Excellence:
    Mindset & Relationship​

    Transitioning into a new role is more than just a title change; it’s a shift in mindset and responsibility.

    • Mindset Shifts: Define your leadership style, lead with empathy, and master the art of leadership.
    • Relationship Mastery: Learn effective delegation techniques, and foster high-performing teams.
    • Leveraging Diversity & Inclusion: Conflict resolution strategies tailored to diverse teams.
    • Lead Virtual Teams: Virtual leadership essentials, building trust in a virtual environment, and the way to productive & engaging meetings.

    Strategic Leadership for
    Acumen & Innovation​

    In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, being an agile and innovative strategic leader is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity.
    • Develop Business Acumen: Cultivate a strategic mindset, gain financial literacy, & be adaptable.
    • Speak the Language: Understand business operations, KPIs, & enhance your leadership credibility by aligning your actions and decisions with strategic business objectives.
    • Strategic Leadership: Embrace innovation to drive growth, tailor your approach to meet the needs of your organization, and enhance your career prospects by becoming a strategic leader.

    Our Approach

    Our tailored approach, designed to meet each client’s unique needs, includes:

    • Proven 360 psychometric assessments covering 29 critical development areas linked to business success.
    • Personalized development plans and one-on-one coaching to enhance individual leadership effectiveness.
    • Flexible checkpoints to adapt to rapidly changing industries and organizational needs.

    From Entry-Level to Executive

    Jackie Stallings Evans can take you there.
    Schedule your complimentary call today to see if we are a good match.