Coaching Leaders To Achieve
Positive Sustainable Impactful Long Term Growth

Work directly with Jackie Stallings Evans to drive real behavioral changes within your organization. You’re in the right spot if you want to:

  • Enhance leadership capabilities
  • Identify strengths and areas for development
  • Set goals & develop strategies to achieve them
  • Apply new skills in the day-to-day roles of your team
  • Measure progress and receive data to support change 

The Value of Coaching With Jackie

Tap into 30+ years of corporate success to streamline your organization’s rise to the top of your industry.

Personalized Coaching

You and your employees will work directly with Jackie to define goals and develop strategies tailored to close any skill gaps and lead to increased impact & productivity.

Customized Coaching Goals

Work with Jackie to focus on the specific needs of individual leaders to position them to become more impactful and to meet the needs of the business.

Stakeholder Involvement

Engage stakeholders and incorporate their feedback to ensure leaders are developing the competencies and skills needed to make maximum impact.

Measurable Results

Measure the return on investment by providing before and after behavioral results from the coaching engagement.

Certified Leadership Coach

Jackie is an ICF-certified coach combined with 30+ years of real-world experience working with top leaders in Fortune 500 companies.

What my delighted clients have to say

"Working with Jackie challenged me in ways that were productive and constructive."
Antoine Bennett,
Supply Chain Exec, The Gap
"Jackie was a real stand-out and provided helpful insights on how to get to the next level as a leader and mentor."
Vice President
Morgan Stanley
"Jackie is attentive, intuitive and compassionate in the way she listens and reflects. I found my voice and purpose."
"I'm so thankful for the work we did together. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and it's paying off."
Kaiser Permanente
"Jackie challenged me to identify solutions by simply asking questions, which naturally led me to answers."
Danielle Griffin
Exec Director, Sarepta Therapeutics

How We Assess Effectiveness

Reliable assessment of leadership effectiveness is crucial. Many assessments focus solely on management style, core competencies, or personality traits. Our tools integrate all these aspects into one comprehensive evaluation, providing a clear, high-impact overview of the key areas that drive leadership development.

Jackie Stallings Evans Leadership Development Programs
two women sitting on a couch with laptops

How We Enhance Effectiveness

We offer a comprehensive approach to leadership development, serving as a strategic partner. We assist our clients in assessing, planning, implementing, measuring, and adapting their leadership development initiatives. This results in:

What's Included In Coaching?

Jackie partners with leaders and organizations, empowering them to unlock their fullest potential by cultivating influential and impactful leadership. Every coaching client enjoys:

Coaching Packages

Leadership Accelerator

Coaching Program

6 months

Includes 6 Customized Coaching Sessions

IDEAL FOR: New managers, high potentials, mid-level and individuals with specific development needs
OBJECTIVE: To facilitate the growth and development of leadership skills, enabling clients to achieve sustained behavioral change and excel in their roles.
PROCESS: The combination of assessments, personalized coaching, and continuous feedback to ensure that client can make meaningful and lasting improvements in their leadership abilities.

Executive Leadership

Coaching Program

12 months

Includes 12 Customized Coaching Sessions

IDEAL FOR: Seasoned managers with a focus on fine-tuning leadership skills and achieving peak performance
OBJECTIVE: To enhance leadership effectiveness, self-awareness, and strategic thinking tailored to the client’s unique goals and challenges.
PROCESS: The combination of comprehensive assessments, personalized coaching, and tailored action plans, this program aims to enhance leadership effectiveness and help clients achieve their leadership aspirations.

Want to discuss a customized package and determine if Jackie is the perfect fit for your organization?

of companies saw improved performance
1 %
coaching Star Rating (out of 5)
of companies cited productivity increases
1 %
Client Support & Satisfaction Rating
1 %

How Coaching Works

Through our collaboration, we catalyze a transformation in organizational culture, fostering innovation and inclusivity.

Client will complete a 360-degree leadership assessment designed and delivered by Jackie Evans.

We review assessment results together targeting specific focus areas based on the skills that need development based on assessment results.

You’ll work 1:1 with your leadership coach to set realistic and achievable goals to close any skill gaps revealed in the assessment.

Leadership concepts are reinforced using additional content gathered over 22+ years of experience leading Fortune 500 companies.

Review takes place in a 3-way meeting with stakeholder and coach to gain confirmation that client is developing the appropriate skills. If not, changes are made based on the stakeholder’s feedback.

We work together to implement set coaching goals and review monthly for updates, adjustments, and more.

At the end of our coaching engagement, performance is measured to determine the business impact and reports are distributed accordingly.

Ready to Rise?

Schedule your complimentary call today to discuss your goals and see if coaching with Jackie Evans is a good match for your team.